Pick your own…..

I love picking my own fruits and veggies, especially strawberries and blueberries.   I always get way too many and end up having to freeze the extras.   In the cold winter months we have an abundance of wonderful, tasty berries.

This year, we’ve planted our own raised garden with tomatoes, lettuce, three different types of peppers, herbs and zucchini.  While we wait for our own harvest, we’ll be frequenting the local farms where we can take the kids to help us pick baskets full of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

I am hoping to go strawberry picking this weekend with my two little ones.  I can’t wait to get out there with the sun on our backs, the sweet fragrance of ripening berries, putting one in the basket, one in your mouth…. yum! 

Click here to find local farms in your area were you can pick your own fruits and veggies, tips on picking fresh produce, and find out when your favorite fruit/veggie will be ready to harvest.  Happy picking!

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